asking for the moon

Oil on Box Canvas 510 mm x 755 mm Unframed, Ready to hang

  • asking for the moon  Oil on Box Canvas 510 mm x 755 mm Unframed, Ready to hang for Home and Office by artist C K Purandare


Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Deniz, Turkey; Stacey, Canada; Lindsay, UK; Anita, Mexico; Joseph Monasky, USA; Marika, Finland; Betty Crawford, Canada; Gerhard, Germany; Laura, Ireland; Amanda, USA; Kayla, USA; Hal, USA; Maura, Hungary; Caro, Hungary; Crystal, USA; Una, UK; Cameron, Mexico; Cyn McGuire, USA; Katherine Regan, USA; Naomi Karly, USA; Dennis, Germany; Malena, USA; Dennis, Germany; Elle Alex, USA; J Cole S Africa; Enola, Iceland; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Swati, India; Chen, UK; Vered, USA; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Tugce, Turkey; Johanna, Austria; Enea, Japan; Kunal, India; HGG, S Korea; Lula, Brazil; Izu, Japan; Flaminia, Italy; Chen, UK; Yoshiyuki, Japan; Max, USA; Valencia, Italy; Celia, Brazil; Francie, The Netherlands; Lola, Italy; Garcia, Spain; Kurti, France; Antia, Greece; Edison, Canada; Sonali, India; Justyna, Russia; Alpha, USA; Rijal, India; Meera, UK; Jijin, Japan; Noushafarin, Iran; Anil, India; Lisa, USA; Johanna, Austria; Elke, Germany; Dani, Germany; Marco, Indonesia; Shini, India; Rita, Italy; Edd, USA; Shuto, Japan; Sushma, India; Ziya, Turkiye; Manohar, India; Elizabeth IK, Germany; Shirin, Iran; Amalia C, Italy; Dani K, Italy; Idela, France

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, landscape painting, mystic paining, mysticism, message art, narrative art, philosophical painting, night, moon in the painting, tree in the painting, hill in the painting, sky in the painting, clouds in the painting, blue color, brown color, white color

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  • Type: Oil on Box Canvas
  • Size: 510 mm x 755 mm
  • Frame: Unframed, Ready to hang
Modern Art Paintings

Besides the Reviews appreciation also comes from:

Deniz, Turkey; Stacey, Canada; Lindsay, UK; Anita, Mexico; Joseph Monasky, USA; Marika, Finland; Betty Crawford, Canada; Gerhard, Germany; Laura, Ireland; Amanda, USA; Kayla, USA; Hal, USA; Maura, Hungary; Caro, Hungary; Crystal, USA; Una, UK; Cameron, Mexico; Cyn McGuire, USA; Katherine Regan, USA; Naomi Karly, USA; Dennis, Germany; Malena, USA; Dennis, Germany; Elle Alex, USA; J Cole S Africa; Enola, Iceland; Jeanine, The Netherlands; Swati, India; Chen, UK; Vered, USA; Rossana, Italy; Shorina, Russia; Valerio, Italy; Susana, Germany; Khatool, Uzbekistan; Tugce, Turkey; Johanna, Austria; Enea, Japan; Kunal, India; HGG, S Korea; Lula, Brazil; Izu, Japan; Flaminia, Italy; Chen, UK; Yoshiyuki, Japan; Max, USA; Valencia, Italy; Celia, Brazil; Francie, The Netherlands; Lola, Italy; Garcia, Spain; Kurti, France; Antia, Greece; Edison, Canada; Sonali, India; Justyna, Russia; Alpha, USA; Rijal, India; Meera, UK; Jijin, Japan; Noushafarin, Iran; Anil, India; Lisa, USA; Johanna, Austria; Elke, Germany; Dani, Germany; Marco, Indonesia; Shini, India; Rita, Italy; Edd, USA; Shuto, Japan; Sushma, India; Ziya, Turkiye; Manohar, India; Elizabeth IK, Germany; Shirin, Iran; Amalia C, Italy; Dani K, Italy; Idela, France

Tags: art, oil painting on canvas, landscape painting, mystic paining, mysticism, message art, narrative art, philosophical painting, night, moon in the painting, tree in the painting, hill in the painting, sky in the painting, clouds in the painting, blue color, brown color, white color

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